Polar Bear Café
Polar Bear's Cafe

Welcome to the Polar Bear Cafe Wiki

This wiki is about Polar Bear Café (しろくまカフェ, Shirokuma Cafe). The manga was created by Aloha Higa in 2006 and eventually received an anime adaptation in 2012 by Studio Pierrot. While it never received an official international release due to its extensive use of Japanese language wordplay, it is available on the streaming website Crunchyroll.

Setting, Plot and Characters

The story takes place in modern day Japan, where animals and humans live in harmony. There are multiple locations shown throughout the show, with the cafe and the zoo being the main focus. The plot revolves around the everyday life of Panda, Penguin, Polar Bear, and their friends. Polar Bear Cafe is heavily influenced by owarai (Japanese comedy), which makes it a lighthearted and easygoing anime for all ages.  

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  • Animanga: The Polar Bear Cafe article under the Animanga Hub.
  • Wikipedia: The Polar Bear Cafe article under Wikipedia.
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