Polar Bear Café
Polar Bear Café
Episode 03
Ep 3
Polar Bear Goes to the Zoo / Panda's Problems




Shirokuma-kun Dōbutsuen e / Panda-kun no Nayami


April 19, 2012


Boku ni Invitation



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Photo taken by Handa (1)


Polar Bear Goes to the Zoo[]

This episode starts off with Penguin asking Polar Bear to give him a question to solve in order to ease his boredom. Polar Bear happily obliges, asking him what the legal name for the "T" intersection is and starts asking him about manufacturing pre-washed rice with the NTWP method. Penguin immediately interrupts him saying that it's fine and he doesn't need a trivia question anymore. Panda walks in and after sitting for a little while, he asks everyone why they haven't come to visit him at work yet since he always visits the cafe to see them. He continues and says that they'll be surprised to see how popular he is at the zoo.

Panda then calls Polar Bear that night to remind him, and asks him to remind Penguin to come as well. The next day, Panda clocks into work and learns from Handa that Full Time Panda has the day off today. He gets even more excited, realizing that he will be the only panda today and all eyes will be on him. Panda then imagines Penguin and Polar Bear calling him cute, and he starts work.

Polar Bear and Penguin arrive at the zoo to visit Panda. As soon as they enter, they hear an announcement for polar bear feeding and take a detour to the polar bear exhibit first. Penguin points out that they technically aren't allowed in since Polar Bear being the same species would confuse them, but Polar Bear goes in anyways. They are caught by Kirino who scolds them, and they leave the exhibit to go see Panda. They find him completely exhausted and sleeping against the slide. Penguin screams over to try and wake him up, but nothing works. As soon as they leave, Panda wakes up and asks Handa if he saw them, which he didn't since he was working.


Photo taken by Handa (2)


Photo taken by Handa (3)

Polar Bear and Penguin then go to Seal Hall where they encounter another sign that states polar bears cannot enter. They sneak in again and Polar Bear proceeds to scare the seals away. A separate zookeeper then scolds them for being in the exhibit and they leave to go see Panda again. Once again, Panda is shown snoozing against a tire. Handa then sees them, and asks to take some pictures for Panda.

They then wander the zoo and discuss where to check out next. They then run into Llama and explain how Panda was fast asleep when they went to see him. They then go to check on him again, and see that he's still asleep.

Back at the cafe, Panda asks them why they didn't go to see him. Penguin states that they did go to see him, but he was asleep the whole time. They then look through the photos that Handa took.

Panda's Problems[]

Panda asks Full Time Panda what it means to "act naturally", only to find that he is fast asleep. He then asks Handa who doesn't give him a satisfying answer. The scene then cuts to Polar Bear Cafe where Panda is shown asking the group what is considered natural. He goes through a number of poses to which Penguin responds are all "cute", but Panda still doesn't know what to do. Otter then chirps in and says he's jealous of how much fun Panda has at his job, since breaking shellfish hurts his stomach. Koala agrees, stating that he's sick of eating so much eucalyptus. Anteater passionately agrees with Koala as well, stating that he wants to eat other things and not just ants. Llama starts complaining about how no one notices him at all, and how much he wishes to have long lines of people waiting to see him. Sasako and Penguin ask if he has any noticeable talents or qualities, to which Llama states that he can eat grass and has long eyelashes. Opposite to Llama, Tapir says that it's not easy being looked at all the time. Since he's a species that is rumored to eat dreams, everyone who sees him is disappointed since they have high expectations. Sloth also agrees, saying that it's hard to hang from a tree all day.

Everyone comes to the agreement that everyone seems to have problems. They ask Polar Bear if he has any issues, which he agrees. They then all turn to Sasako and ask her if she has any issues in her life, to which she says no. Penguin then tries to talk about his love life, which is ignored by Panda who is fast asleep.

The next day at the zoo, Panda wonders what it means to "act naturally" again, while being completely himself. Later at the cafe, Penguin then tells him that he things acting naturally for Panda is being in the place where he can relax the most. Panda then cuts him off and shows him his new panda merchandise, completely switching the topic.